How Humanities Graduates Excel at Communications

In anticipation of the release of my upcoming book The Well-Rounded Professional: Translating Humanities Skills to Career Success, I am writing blog posts about four of the critical skills developed in a humanities education. This week, I look at what might be the most obvious skill: written and verbal communications.

One of the constants in a humanities education is you have to read, write, and speak. A lot. Humanists have to be able to communicate effectively in order to graduate. Across the spectrum, from history to the languages, students need to be able to clearly structure and articulate an argument that convinces others. For English majors, the entire focus of their education is to be able to communicate and know how to use the written word clearly (and/or studying the ways in which others have successfully used the English language to the benefit of others). In history, students need to construct a sound argument and defend it.

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SPAC 2017 a success!

I really enjoyed attending SPAC 2017. The entire conference was a great success. There were a number of engaging, informative speakers, and I know I came away with a lot of “a ha” ideas that I cannot wait to implement on my upcoming bids.

It was a lot of fun speaking at the conference as well. I really thank all of you who stayed through the afternoon to see me as one of the two final speakers. It was a fun group to speak in front of, and I hope you got something out of the talk.

Thanks to those of you who came up to me afterwards as well and complemented me on the talk. It can be difficult to know if these talks have value to those who attend – by coming up to me afterwards, you made me feel the time preparing was well spent!

Hope to see you at SPAC 21!
